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Flora and Fauna

The legend says that if you meet our friends you are spread with joy, diversity and knowledge. Do not miss the opportunity to discover that The Magic is in Living It!!


La Burra Rumera

The donkey is seen as a brute animal. Nothing is further from reality! In fact, it is very intelligent and social. Let’s unveil the myths around this friendly animal.


La Iguana Cumbiera

Do you want to know if the iguana drinks coffee at tea time? Hint: don’t like coffee, but she loves sunbathing and routine. Discover amazing facts about this interesting animal!


El Cangrejo Azul Cantante

Sapphire blue, with excellent view, very active at night. Undoubtedly, the blue crab is a unique animal. Know the incredible qualities that this small animal has!


El Bocachico Fandanguero

It is the most acclaimed species of the Magdalena river, stands out for its silver color and for being a born swimmer. Swim to Bocachico’s home and learn more about him!


La Guacamaya

It stands out for the beauty of its scarlet feathers. Its principles are to be friendly and take care of your family. Soar flight towards new knowledge in the company of this majestic bird!


Coralina Coral

It is an animal, not a plant, harbors a lot of marine life, absorbs the energy of the waves and is in serious danger. Dive into the world of coral and discover all its secrets!


La Palmera Coctelera

Considered as a symbol of victory, triumph, peace and eternal life, the palm tree is undoubtedly the emblematic face of the tropical regions. Come to know the importance of the palm tree!


El Ancestral

Imposing, majestic, known to be the tree that supports the universe as it connects the sky, the earth and the Underworld. Let’s learn the importance of Ceiba Bonga!

Antonio Anglar

El Manglar Peculiar

Mangroves capture carbon dioxide for decades and even centuries, protecting the ecosystem and communities. Come and sail through a world of knowledge!


La Tortuga Gaitera

Great swimmer, with distinctive yellow stripes and nature lover. It’s time to meet the wise hicotea turtle. Let's go for new knowledge!


El Oso Guayabero

Sloths are very good at moving between branches and are excellent swimmers, but they walk with a lot of difficulty. ¡ Know all about the lazy bear and his adventures!


El Caimán Pescador

If you see a log floating in the water, make no mistake it’s not a log, it’s an alligator! Good news: it’s not going to eat you, on the contrary, it has incredible abilities. Let's learn about them!

Tourism with purpose

Breathes environmental transformation

Learn to restore and conserve the fauna and flora of ecosystems.

Generates a social transformation

It contributes to the economic growth of local communities.

Live a digital transformation

We offer a unique digital experience of the region’s destination.